How to use this resource
The atlas consists of four publications:
- Summary – outlines generalised insights about the structural elements of the ten key systems that influence early childhood development outcomes
- Part 1: Child’s Needs – contains chapters dedicated to each of the five systems that are focused primarily on meeting a child’s needs
- Part 2: Shared Child and Family Needs – contains chapters dedicated to each of the five systems that are focused on meeting shared child and family needs
- Annex 1 – provides a brief introduction to how government works in Australia which underpins the structural elements of our early years system.
Part 1 and Part 2 including the individual chapters dedicated to each of the ten systems in focus may be read in any order according to the readers’ interests.
Download Atlas Publications
Landscape Atlas
- Introduction
- How to use this Atlas
- Observations from the Atlas
- What else does the Atlas tell us about the ‘current state’?
- How far are we from the ‘desired future state’?
Landscape Atlas
Part One Child's Needs
- Health
- Mental health
- Disability
- Early learning
- Child protection
Landscape Atlas
Part Two Shared Child and Family Needs
- Parenting & family supports
- Family & domestic violence supports
- Social security
- Secure and affordable housing
- Safe, healthy physical and built environments
Landscape Atlas
Annex 1 How Government Works Australian Style'
- Australia’s Federal Structure
- The levels of government
- The division of responsibilities
- Collaborations across government
- Accountability mechanisms
- The laws that underpin Australia’s ECD System