Evidence for Action Reports

Evidence for Action
Part 1: Key Findings
Provides a summary of key findings and insights, including the ranking of the 18 leverage points based on the results of the assessment and evidence gathering process.

Evidence for Action
Part 2: The Approach
Details the assessment methodology and approach to gathering evidence.

Evidence for Action
Part 3: Cluster 1
Communities and families in the driver’s seat
Presents the evidence gathered about the leverage points 1-6 which are focused on ways to empower families and communities to be active participants in decision-making about the systems that impact their lives and influence the early childhood development outcomes of their children.

Evidence for Action
Part 4: Cluster 2
Re-imagining the service system
Presents the evidence gathered about leverage points 7-10, which are focused on ways to design and resource our social service systems so that they meet the needs of children and families and enable them to thrive.

Evidence for Action
Part 5: Cluster 3
Shared accountability for children’s outcomes
Presents the evidence gathered about leverage points 11-14, which are focused on ways to ensure all system actors are accountable for delivering positive outcomes for children and families.

Evidence for Action
Part 6: Cluster 4
Shifting society’s perspectives
Presents the evidence gathered about leverage points 15-18, which are focused on ways to shift deeply held societal beliefs that hold the current early years system and outcomes in place.