What we have observed in analysing the list:

  • 75% of initiatives emphasise collaboration as a key strategy
    • Half focus on policy and advocacy or capacity building while less than a third focus on evidence and over half have direct interaction with their target groups
  • 85% target multiple systems and ECEC is a focus 90% of the time
    • Parenting/Family Support and the Health System are the next most common priorities
  • 54% identify as national enablers
    • 55% focus on place, 33% on State and over half are present in VIC and one-third in NSW
  • The most common focus is socio-economic change, regional and remote support or working with first Australians
  • Collaborative or Advisory Structures are the most common although 39% have a formal board
    • 1 in 5 have place-based committees and less than 4% specifically reference indigenous governance
  • Most initiatives were formed in the last decade
    • 80% are not time-bound or see themselves as ongoing
  • 54 % rely on a mixture of funding sources
    • 76% received government funding and 54% received philanthropic funding



Download the summary slides here:


Early Years Initiatives

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